Dear visitors;
Welcome to the webpage of the Erasmus+ project. Here you can find the information, photos, outputs, reports and other materials from our project work and meetings.
The " Le patrimoine culturel et son rôle dans le développement personnel des élèves" with its acronym AIDE.ART.FR and in English "The role of Cultural Heritage in the students' development" is an international project under Erasmus+, KA229, School Partnerships and is the result of the needs analysis carried out at the level of the 6 schools concerned, in strict relation with the directives of the document Europe 2020.
The project aims to form the consciousness of belonging to a common culture for 300 students from 6 schools for 2 years in order to develop artistic skills in painting, theater, music, dance and to promote the European cultural heritage, inclusion disadvantaged groups, developing social skills, working in multicultural teams, using art as a link, promoting French, developing the European dimension of schools and strengthening skills.
The project started on 01.09.2019 and will last on 31.08.2021.
The coordinator is;
"Regina Maria" High School, Dorohoi / ROMANIA
Agrupamento de Escolas de Canedo, Canedo / PORTUGAL
ISIS Sandro Pertini, Naples / ITALY
"Jean Monnet" High School, Francoville / FRANCE
Paul Langevin Beaucaire High School, Beaucaire / FRANCE
Ozel Adalya Fen Lisesi, Antalya / TURKEY
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This website reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.